Angel Pie (Old Florida style)

Here's an interesting pie. It's an old-time bake called "Angel Pie." Angel Pie has no pastry or cracker crust; the custard filling is nestled into a shell of pre-baked meringue. Out of the oven, that shell was so light, it almost floated away! Good thing I threw some chopped walnuts in to hold it down!

This Old Florida version uses an orange custard with orange zest and mandarin oranges. Topping this "flavor intense" layer is a pile of fluffy whipped cream that, in turn, serves as a bed for another stack of mandarin oranges.

I flung (flinged?) some orange zest around for fun.

This “angel” is sitting in Mama Z's test fridge right now. I can't wait to try it! If you are a citrus person, this might just be what you're looking for. It’s certainly summery.

I'll post some more pix when we cut it. I hope it comes out of the pie pan!


Angel Pie (First impressions)


Anything a apple can do . . .